This week, Spencer Klavan argues that the Democrats’ unsuccessful push to appeal to young men through pornography might be the beginning of the end of the war between the sexes.
The Fap/NoFap Election
Spencer Klavan
One of the most painful consequences of porn addiction is what it does to young men’s relationships with the opposite sex. Feminists like Catharine McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin have often lamented that porn trains men to see women as disposable receptacles for their own lusts. But the tragic discovery men have made in the wake of the Internet’s porn boom is that most of them hate seeing women that way. Gobry writes that those who can only get turned on by their porn-inflected fantasies “understand perfectly well how absurd it is to be more attracted by the substitute than by the real thing, and it distresses them.” It’s not just that men are getting mired in a tar pit of sick desire, it’s that they recognize they’re being held back from real affection, real love.
This Week in Sex-Realist Feminism: Conservative Women's Aunt Lydia Problem, Gender as a Luxury Belief, and Deciding on Kids
This week: Helen Roy on the right's woman problem, Julie Bindel on gender as a luxury belief, and an Emily Oster podcast on whether you should have kids. Plus: love in the time of menopause, hoarding friends, 4B as reactionary, and more!
From the Archives:
Lane Scott reflects on the complexities of female happiness denied by a simplistic traditionalism.
Mrs. Butker’s Husband and the Right’s Lost Boys
Lane Scott
“Women’s desire for honor and a role in the public sphere is not the fruit of modern feminism and lies. It is borne of the human desire for excellence.”